
By Editor Morten B. Reitoft (human)

OpenAI last week announced their latest AI tool, SORA, letting users generate high-quality and almost indistinctly from actual films (for now, duration of only 1 minute). Since ChatGPT was disclosed to the public, AI has become a topic many people discuss. You also see people trying to use the hype about AI to make money, either by developing events, conferences, or YouTube channels, and I even see people announcing courses where you can learn how to use AI in marketing, communication, sales, letters, spreadsheets - well, pretty much everything. The value of AI is not for discussion, and we all use AI to various extents. As I have disclosed earlier, I use Grammarly to help me write articles. I also use AI for translations, and I use AI everywhere it makes sense for me. I also use AI to test a thesis, and AI is for sure something that will enable more people to create content. In print productions and our industry in general, AI will have a massive impact on labor-intensive processes, from repetitive work to logical, rule-based processes, or where you CAN accept to leave a decision to a computer.

AI will, however, force everybody to consider 'value' in the future. You will see adverts that are made using AI. You will also see content written entirely using AI. You will see films, animations, cartoons, books, education, images, and everything. You must consider whether computer-generated content has the same value as humans make it. Will you pay for a film created by AI? Will you pay for a text generated by AI? Will you pay for YouTube advertising if the content entirely uses AI for the only purpose of generating views and revenue - but where nobody cares about the content?

Many content creators - both YouTubers, copywriters, journalists, reporters, musicians, and designers are discussing AI as it will surely influence the creation processes - in good and bad.

But let me do an interview with ChatGPT about the topic:

Thank you for your time here with me. My name is Morten Reitoft, and I am the editor of INKISH.
Hello, Morten! It's great to have you here. How can I assist you today?

I would love to interview you about the value of content created using AI?
I'd be delighted to participate in an interview about the value of content created using AI. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have on the topic!

Today, content is created by creatives - such as designers, reporters, and filmers - how do you think AI will influence this in the future?

AI's influence on creative industries, including design, journalism, and film, is expected to be profound and multifaceted. Here are some key ways AI might shape these fields in the future:
1. **Enhanced Creativity and Productivity**: AI tools can assist creatives by automating routine tasks, such as editing or formatting, freeing them to focus on the more creative aspects of their work. For designers, AI can suggest variations on a theme or automate parts of the design process. For reporters, AI might help with data analysis or generating initial drafts of articles based on given data points, enabling journalists to spend more time on investigative work and storytelling.
2. **Personalization**: AI can analyze audience preferences and behaviors to tailor content more effectively, whether it's customizing news feeds, movie recommendations, or advertising. This level of personalization can improve engagement and satisfaction, but it also raises ethical considerations regarding privacy and data use.
3. **New Forms of Content Creation**: AI is enabling new types of content that were not possible before, such as deepfake videos, AI-generated art, and music, or interactive narratives that adapt to the choices of the viewer or reader. These innovations can enrich the media landscape but also pose challenges in terms of copyright, authenticity, and ethical use.
4. **Accessibility**: AI can make content creation more accessible to people without formal training in design, filmmaking, or writing. Tools that simplify video editing, graphic design, or even generate written content can democratize content creation, allowing more voices to be heard.
5. **Job Transformation**: While AI can automate some tasks, it also creates opportunities for new roles and specialties, such as AI trainers, ethicists, and managers who oversee AI-driven projects. Creatives might need to adapt by acquiring new skills that complement AI, focusing on areas where human creativity and empathy are irreplaceable.
6. **Ethical and Societal Implications**: As AI becomes more integrated into content creation, issues like misinformation, copyright infringement, and the erosion of trust in media become more critical. Balancing the benefits of AI with these concerns will be a significant challenge, requiring collaboration between technologists, creatives, policymakers, and the public.
In summary, AI has the potential to significantly enhance creativity, efficiency, and personalization in content creation, while also introducing challenges that will need to be managed with care. The future will likely see a partnership model, where AI supports human creatives, rather than replacing them, fostering innovation while preserving the unique value of human insight and creativity.

Super answer, but as this is an interview, can you please re-phrase above, so it is more like an answer in a conversation?

It's a fascinating topic, Morten. AI is really starting to make its mark across all creative fields, and I see it as a tool that's going to amplify human creativity rather than replace it. Imagine designers having an AI assistant that can instantly generate multiple design variations or reporters using AI to sift through vast amounts of data to find story leads. It's about enhancing productivity and letting creatives focus on what they do best: being creative.On the personalization front, AI's ability to understand and predict audience preferences could revolutionize how content is created and consumed. We're talking about news feeds, movie recommendations, even ads tailored so specifically to individual preferences that engagement levels could see a significant uptick.But it's not just about making existing processes more efficient or personalized. AI is opening up entirely new avenues for creativity. From deepfake videos to AI-generated art and music, we're seeing the emergence of content types that were unimaginable just a few years ago. And while that's incredibly exciting, it does come with its own set of challenges, especially around copyright and ethical use.Another key point is accessibility. With AI, you don't necessarily need years of training to start creating. This could really democratize the field of content creation, bringing in fresh voices and perspectives that were previously sidelined.Of course, this shift means that some jobs will transform. We'll likely see new roles emerging around the management and ethical deployment of AI in creative fields. It's all about adapting and finding ways to merge AI capabilities with human creativity.And speaking of ethics, that's a big one. As AI becomes a more integral part of content creation, we're going to have to tackle issues like misinformation, copyright infringement, and the overall trust in media. It's a delicate balance, but I believe that with the right approach, we can harness AI's potential to enhance our creativity while addressing these challenges head-on.So, in essence, AI is set to be a powerful partner in the creative process, offering tools that enhance, personalize, and democratize content creation. But as with any partnership, it's going to require careful management, ethical considerations, and a commitment to keeping the human element at the heart of creativity.

If articles and, i.e., YouTube films are entirely made using AI, do you think the value is the same as if a human makes it?

That's a thought-provoking question, Morten. The value of content created entirely by AI compared to that made by humans can vary depending on several factors, including the purpose of the content, its complexity, and the audience's expectations.
When we think about the value of content, we're often considering not just the information or entertainment it provides but also the authenticity, creativity, and emotional depth behind it. Human creators bring their unique experiences, emotions, and perspectives to their work, which can resonate deeply with audiences. This human touch can add a layer of value that, at least currently, AI struggles to replicate fully.
For certain types of content, especially where factual information delivery is key, AI can potentially match or even surpass human-made content in terms of value. This is because AI can process and synthesize vast amounts of information rapidly and accurately. For example, AI-generated news articles on financial reports or sports results can be highly valuable for their timeliness and precision.
However, when it comes to content that relies heavily on emotional depth, storytelling, or nuanced analysis, human creators have the edge. The value in these cases is not just in the content itself but in the unique perspective and emotional investment of the creator. Audiences often seek out content that feels personal, relatable, and authentic, qualities that are inherently human.
YouTube films are a good example. Those created by humans can reflect personal storytelling, creativity, and a connection with the audience that AI-generated content may not achieve in the same way. The value here lies in the creator's personality, their interaction with the audience, and the community they build around their content.
That said, AI is evolving rapidly, and its ability to mimic certain human-like qualities is improving. In the future, AI-generated content might become indistinguishable from human-created content in many respects. Even so, the knowledge that a piece of content was created by a human can add intangible value for many people, rooted in our appreciation for human effort, creativity, and the shared human experience.
Ultimately, whether AI-created content holds the same value as human-made content might depend on the individual viewer or reader's preferences, the type of content, and the context in which it's consumed. As AI continues to evolve, the distinction between AI and human-created content might blur, but the value of human creativity and insight will likely remain distinct in ways that resonate deeply with us on a personal level.

You can see that ChatGPT offers impressive insights and opinions, but as an editor, I already have my first problem. The answers made by ChatGPT were copied/pasted into Grammarly, and now another AI suggests different spellings, wordings, and sentence building - so what shall I believe?

The use of AI has exciting implications in all the processes I have mentioned in this article - and if you read ChatGPT's answer about value, it suggests that AI will be even more intelligent and better and even add a human touch to the content - and that to me, extends the challenge I have with AI created content. As much as it replaces search machines, it also potentially has sources to learn from. When the next iteration of ChatGPT learns from the Internet, it will learn from AI-generated content that hasn't been verified by research, by humans, and so forth.


N.B. The answers in Italics are un-edited, so this is how ChatGPT phrases answers where my article and questions have used Grammaly's AI to help me write more correct US-English!

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