A few weeks ago, I told how the Danish King Harald Bluetooth gathered the scattered Danish Kingdoms into one Denmark and how his name was later used by the Swedish company Ericsson. Bluetooth became the name Ericsson chose to use for the near-field communication standard. Today it's impossible to imagine a world without Bluetooth. Used to connect a wealth of devices has made life easier for all of us.
Today's story takes us back to 1799 and el-Rashid in Egypt. Napoleon was the French emperor with global ambitions; however, it didn't go exactly as planned. He wanted to strengthen the defense in Alexandria and ordered the gathering of material from the neighboring cities, of which one was el-Rashid. One of the stones was engraved with text and miraculously escaped being used as a building block and ended up at the British Museum in London.
The English name for el-Rashid is Rosetta, and the stone I refer to is the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta stone (see a 3D model here) is impressive and has deepened the understanding of ancient Egyptian documents. If you are interested in history, you should search for more information and learn. The story of how the stone was found is fascinating. Still, that one stone changed history, and our understanding of Egypt, Babylon, and the ancient empires is an almost impossible thing to comprehend!
Rosetta became a game-changer because the exact text was written in three different languages: hieroglyphic, demotic (script), and ancient Greek. Greek was known, so with three identical texts, it was now possible to understand and de-crypt the two other languages, opening up more than half a million clay pads found in Babylon, Egypt, and many other places!
One more thing.
For Apple fans, you know the best is saved for last. When Apple long time ago shifted their processor platform from Motorola 68XXX to Intel and now to Apple's processor technology, the enabler of using software across these architectures was called Rosetta. And as fascinating as the story about Bluetooth was, so was the Rosetta. I love when tech companies use names with historical backgrounds, as Rosetta and Bluetooth perfectly resemble today's use.
Enjoy your Sunday, and see you next time :-)
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