

NAPCO Media, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PRINTING United Alliance, is widely recognized as the premier North American media and events group with the highest quality and the broadest reach in the printing and graphics art industry. INKISH is happy to announce a collaboration with NAPCO Media, where INKISH customers have the opportunity to further capture views of their custom videos by tapping into NAPCO’s widespread network. By combining the quality of the films INKISH is known for with NAPCO Media’s distribution channels, customers now receive new marketing opportunities that were not previously possible. 

INKISH customers can now be included in select NAPCO media newsletters a minimum of two times + displayed for 12 months with this new collaboration -- a super opportunity to reach more prospects! Customers can choose to be included in Printing Impressions, Wide-format Impressions, Packaging Impressions, and In-Plant Impressions newsletter brands.

“We have worked with NAPCO and PRINTING United for many years, ”Editor-in-Chief Morten B. Reitoft says, “and we are pleased that this collaboration will give us further reach to the benefit of the industry,” he continues. “As an industry-owned media group, NAPCO delivers valuable content to the readers/viewers/members and industry - which obviously is important.” 

“We have enjoyed a great working relationship with INKISH over the years and are pleased to bring INKISH’s videos to our many varied channels and into the hands of industry professionals across market segments to continue providing the latest information, news and technology to the marketplace. As part of our ‘one roof approach’, we value partnerships with outlets such as INKISH which captures the spirit of our united’ mindset.” 

Alliance Group President Chris Curran

INKISH handles INKISH sales in the NAPCO channels. For further information about terms, reach, etc., please contact Henrik Klem Lassen.

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