
I don't know if the alphorns were taken out to celebrate Hunkeler. Still, I am convinced that the Swiss company was shouting, smiling, and celebrating the Innovation Award Hunkeler won on November 30th, awarded by the Industrie- und Handelskammer Zentralschweiz or, in short, IHZ.

The Innovation Award must be significant for any company pursuing market recognition and qualified labor. Hunkeler was awarded the prize for its Hunkeler Starbook Plowfolder, which was also shown as a first at the recent Hunkeler Innovation HID23 - see our film from #HID23 here.

Michel Hunkeler and CEO Daniel Erni received the event - but of course, Stefan Hunkeler, Franz Hunkeler, Hans Gut, and many more of our friends from Wikon were seen in the photos from the festivities at Hunkeler's headquarters. The prize is, besides a trophy, a cheque of 10,000 CHF.

Daniel Erni explains the Plowfolder in a video presentation, and your humble editor had to sharpen his ears to understand the Swiss-German presentation - you can try it yourself here :-) Still, I am pretty convinced that I got most - a story about how the Starbook Plowfolder is a new way of making book blocks, with as many as up to 2,000 per hour. He also talks about the need for this technology as the digital transformation from offset to digital is here - and now!

A warm congratulations from the entire INKISH team - and well-deserved!

Photos: (c) Christoph Arnet

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