
PrintVis Announces Integration with LoyaltyLoop

PrintVis, the business management MIS/ERP solution for the printing industry, is excited to announce its upcoming integration with LoyaltyLoop, a cutting-edge customer experience platform. This collaboration is combining comprehensive business management with advanced customer engagement tools.

The integration between PrintVis and LoyaltyLoop will empower print businesses to gain insight of and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By seamlessly connecting print job management with personalized customer feedback surveys, businesses can strengthen their relationships with their clients.

With LoyaltyLoop's automated feedback collection system, print businesses can gather valuable insights from customers effortlessly, encourage Google and other online reviews, allowing them to continuously improve their services and offerings.  

The integration automatically flows customer contacts in PrintVis for recent transactions into LoyaltyLoop, automating the feedback process.  Feedback results automatically flow from LoyaltyLoop back into PrintVis, allowing users to easily monitor customer sentiments and act quickly.  This full-cycle integration provides PrintVis users unprecedented simplicity for their customer experience process. 

Brandon Steele, Product Manager at PrintVis, expresses enthusiasm about the partnership, stating: "PrintVis consistently seeks valuable partnerships for the benefit of our customers, and our collaboration with LoyaltyLoop perfectly aligns with this commitment. By combining our expertise in print management with LoyaltyLoop's customer engagement platform, we aim to empower print businesses with the tools they need to thrive in today's competitive market. Together, we can help print businesses elevate their customer experience and drive sustainable growth.

Similarly, John DiPippo, Owner & President at LoyaltyLoop, shared excitement about the integration, saying: "One of our goals at LoyaltyLoop is helping printers increase their efficiency and drive their growth. The team at PrintVis share that goal, and we are proud to be their partner.  By integrating our software, feedback and reviews can be gathered with virtually no effort, and monitoring customer experience metrics, like Net Promoter Score, will be at the printer’s fingertips inside PrintVis. By acting quickly on feedback that improves the customer experience, printers strengthen their business, brand, and bottom line.”  

The integration between PrintVis and LoyaltyLoop is set to launch March 1st. Print businesses interested in learning more about the integration and its benefits are encouraged to contact PrintVis and LoyaltyLoop or visit their websites for further information.

About PrintVis (printvis.com):
PrintVis is the cloud-based, out-of-the-box business management platform tailored exclusively for the print industry. Seamlessly integrated into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, this secure all-in-one comprehensive platform offers unparalleled flexibility and caters to the specific requirements of print and packaging businesses, irrespective of size or specialization. Continuously evolving under the expertise of print industry specialists, PrintVis is the end-to-end solution, empowering print businesses to efficiently run and manage their operations.  

About LoyaltyLoop (loyaltyloop.com):
 LoyaltyLoop is a Customer Experience (CX) platform that drives insights and online reviews using customer feedback surveys. LoyaltyLoop tracks Net Promoter ScoreSM (NPS®) and other CX metrics to continually measure customer loyalty levels. It turns feedback into actions for continuous improvement and marketing that increases customer loyalty and drives growth.

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