
You have operated your printing company for years, and of course, you know better than most, that jobs get to you on emails, FTP, burned CD's, and sometimes even delivered by courier. You know that making a job-ticket manually in your self-made M.I.S. system is better than anything in the market, and you know that handing jobs manually from department to department makes more sense than relying on computers and automation. 

You also know that it is way better to impose the jobs manually, rather than relying on software. You know better. You also know that the quality of your printing press is better than any digital printer, and you will never ever consider to even look at digital print. You know, that printed job-tickets are better, delivered manually from one process to the next - and for sure better than anything on a screen.You also know that the only thing that can optimize your production is new hardware that can produce the print faster. Everybody selling print to cheap is simply stupid. 

Color-management is only a matter of good eyes. 

There is no need for any optimizing, and the best way to keep the prices low and remain profitable is to chase the lowest paper prices, the lowest ink-prices, and if you can manage with less skilled people, that's just better for the margins.You know it. Everybody knows it. 

There is no need for changes at all!

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