
Dear Printing Company.
Would you like to be endorsed for your work? Would you like your best client to tell the world (and your potential prospects) how great a supplier you are? Would you like to be promoted for being the best printing company, with the best customer service, and the highest quality?

I take that most of you would like this, right?

Let's say a customer would like to support you this way. I assume this could grow your relationship, and I believe it will strengthen your business, and maybe even bring both of you to the next level?

Customers who accept to endorse your company commit themselves to you, as you are equally committed to them. This may be the main reason for why endorsements are strong, and why testimonials have a higher value than a marketing message!

Some customers may not want to endorse your company and/or your services. Rather than speculating over why - ask. Some may say it is because your product gives them a competitive advantage? Some may say that they won't associate their brand with any supplier. Some may have other reasons.

Personally, I don't understand any of the reasons. If you have a good relationship and you bring value to each other, the world should know. Openness and mutual endorsement are common today, and if the endorsements aren't two-sided, you have serious work ahead of you!

If your customer is worried about the quality of the endorsement, let your customer review the story, the film, the design, etc., before it's published, and make sure that the endorsement is as beneficial for your customer as for yourself. You should also ensure that the distribution of your testimonial reaches your client's customers, so he can benefit from this as well. Let your success depend on your customer's success.

In today's media-mix, most marketers agree that storytelling and testimonials are among the most powerful tools - so, of course, you should take advantage of this. It will strengthen your relationship with each other. It's relatively inexpensive, and the effect has several advantages. One of the benefits is that testimonials strengthen both your brand, but can also lead to sales directly.

Just an idea - and btw this of course also applies in your relation to your suppliers where you are the customer :-)

/Morten B. Reitoft

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