
INKISH Italy is headed by Enrico Barboglio and Valentina Carnevali and their team from Stratego Group. A great company with many different services, and the world's fifth-largest market in the printing industry. However, as you know, Italy is the European market that is hit the most by the coronavirus outbreak, and therefore heavily influenced.

Next week we will make a daily report from Milan where we will talk to Enrico and his team, how the coronavirus influences the everyday life of not only Stratego Group, but also vendors, printers, and the daily life. The lock-down of Italy is, of course, something that is no fun and challenges everybody.

In tough times, however, new ideas are created since our need for communication, marketing, sales, and business have to find new ways. One can say the show must go on.

INKISH Italy has already reached out to vendors and printers in Italy to offer our PLAN B by INKISH. For those who haven't read about, it's our Virtual Event solution that delivers LIVE filming from showrooms, customers, or even factories. This we can do most places since most countries are still possible to travel, when not in large groups. PLAN B by INKISH is an example of innovation since we in a short time would be able to deliver what the shows obviously can't when cancelled.

Second, we on March 10th proposed our 'drupa offline edition" catalogue where we offer most of the services provided at drupa, but now offered separated from our LIVE streaming from drupa. In essence, just in case the show will be postponed. Again in respect and time for the printing industry, and again INKISH Italy and Stratego Group embraced the idea and got to work.

When things get tough, the tough get going, and INKISH will during the day or tomorrow present a range of products/services that enable our customers to use INKISH as a delivery platform for content created by themselves. A company that operates in a corona infected area will be able to shoot film themselves, deliver it to INKISH so we can use this footage to produce stories. Some of the products and services we will offer for free, some will paid-for-services - but we, not INKISH, not Stratego Group, but the industry as such, can't just lie down and don't do anything. The stories need to be told, and we must do whatever we can to keep the wheels rolling.

INKISH, INKISH Italy and Stratego Group is a brilliant example of a partnership and how we believe we can come out stronger of the crisis by being smart, innovative, and up-front.

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