
Defending the unprovoked holiday discount

But seriously, you can still GET OFF MY LAWN!

So I was reading my good friend's article Holiday Rant From Grumpy Editor and I felt as many of us exist off the marketing and advertising industry I had to say something in defense of the system that keeps us employed.  And I wanted to say it, not just on my behalf, but for the benefit of all the children around the world.  

I've been a cord cutter from a very early stage, early enough that my kids still marvel at the wonder of cable TV when we go to hotels because they've never seen it before.  I will never forget a decade ago when my son wandered up to the TV screen in a hotel looking for the "X" or "Skip Now" button when Ads started playing during his cartoon.  Although I'm a proud cord cutter I will say, it certainly hasn't saved me money with all the subscriptions and creators I support.  This year with some added expenses I'm now reviewing all those subscriptions and looking at which ones to cut, which ones I want to live without and I think back to the over all model of ad subsidized information.  So I write this article to say, "I am Grateful" to youtube for being a free resource where I can learn anything from how to Make a table, re-wire my house, fix my cars or even just watch something to make me smile.  I am grateful for the newspapers that keep me informed with an ad placed in the corner or on the sidebar, after all, this is not a new concept, a millennial or Gen Z concept, newspapers pioneered this generations ago.  If I had to pay for all the information I consume, I would consume alot less and be subject to the biases of fewer sources.

Knowing that unprovoked ads pay for so much of the content I use I try to give these brands a chance.

Having worked for businesses large and small, I know that not every brand is a household name.  And even large brands attempt to break into new markets they may not be known for.  In this world of organic rankings, it is tough to be discovered if millions of people haven't already discovered you.  It is tough to break into the mainstream if you don't have the deep pockets to buy your way to the top.  I'm a big believer in small businesses and innovative disruptive ideas.  These are often brands, and ideas you've never heard of.  Concepts you wouldn't search for.  Their only shot is the Unsolicited push of a life saving's "all in" marketing blitz, which thankfully for all of us, is often most effective in Direct Mail.

Although I can't argue with Morten's statement that a "Coupon is NOT a GIFT", I will encourage you to open all the holiday catalogues sent unprovoked to your houses.  To watch a youtube ad for a company or product you've never heard of.  It may just be an Ad or a Coupon, but often it's a great idea reaching out, sometimes surrendering all of it's profit just to be noticed, to make it to that next stage without taking on Private Equity money, or skimping on quality or features, or going overseas for production, and best of all just giving some of these products a look or a chance, is subsidizing this world of free content at your finger tips that we (and our children) use everyday.

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