
Ultimate BetterPDF

Ultimate Impostrip BetterPDF: Re-engineering PDF files for production efficiency 

Montreal, Canada. February 15th 2023, Ultimate TechnoGraphics Inc, the leader in imposition and finishing automation software, is pleased to announce BetterPDF, an exciting new module for Ultimate Impostrip® Scalable which will be previewed for the first time at Hunkeler Innovation Days 2023 in Lucerne, Switzerland and released shortly afterwards.

Ultimate BetterPDF was developed as a solution to the common customer challenge of problematic, deficient PDF files that can become a bottleneck to the imposition and ripping process, reduce production output speed, or sometimes not output or print at all. These files are typically very large and may have structural issues, not visible to the eye, that can choke any press. 

With Ultimate BetterPDF, PDF files are re-engineered to the specific requirements of the target output device via a series of user-defined options. Multiple different configurations can be created as a set it and forget it approach for a fully automated and scalable workflow. 

“Internal testing with real world customer problem files has shown some impressive increases in speed”, says Andrew Bailes-Collins, Head of Product Management at Ultimate TechnoGraphics, “not only during the imposition phase, but also in the speed of the subsequent Rip/DFE processing, making Ultimate BetterPDF an essential tool for print service providers with very large problematic files.” 

Print Service Providers are faced with the daily challenge of meeting fast turnaround times that are sometimes contractual to meet mailing deadlines. They are usually not the creators of the file and therefore need a late-stage PDF re-engineering tool to help them produce efficiently and maximise the use of their press to get more jobs out the door. Ultimate BetterPDF is built-in Ultimate Impostrip Scalable as optional processing modules available on Windows 64 Bit, and macOS Arm and Intel processors. 

“Most customer files we receive are simply too large for standard PDF fixing such as preflighting, says Julie Watson, CEO of Ultimate TechnoGraphics. “Our customers needed a solution further down the workflow that could efficiently address large files and re-engineer them specifically to the requirements of Impostrip Scalable and ultimately the press they are being delivered to. This is exactly what we are delivering with Ultimate BetterPDF.” 

Visitors to Hunkeler Innovationdays 2023 can learn more about Ultimate BetterPDF and Ultimate Impostrip and how it could benefit their production workflow by visiting the Ultimate TechnoGraphics booth in Hall1. Visitors can pre-book appointments using this online form.

For those unable to make it to this event, customers can pre-book a seat in our webinar showcase on March 9th 2023 at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time here. 

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 About Ultimate TechnoGraphics (www.imposition.com) Automation drives results in printing. This is the foundation of all our software development and today, Print Service Providers worldwide benefit from increased productivity in a digital and hybrid environment. Ultimate TechnoGraphics invented digital imposition with the first release of Ultimate Impostrip® in 1989, and today Ultimate is a leader in imposition and finishing automation software solutions. The company has a rich history of providing and integrating imposition technologies into hardware and software workflow solutions for print industry leaders.

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